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Top 10 tips for Parents Preparing for their first(child's) Primary School Life

Top Tip 1


This may be your child's first but yours too. It will be so on your second or third child's first Primary school life, as every child is different. Each will be their new milestone in life and a sign that your baby is growing up...

Prepare your heart. Be anxious not. The more anxious you get, likewise your child. Be excited instead. Start thinking of all the exciting things you and your child will enjoy doing and experiencing.

Top Tip 2

School's Mission and Vision Statement

Look through your child's mission and vision statement. Have a glanced of what the school's activities, achievement, cohort, learning curves and syllabuses and even help desk are about.

This is important as you know what to expect and how you can support and train your child in the way the school expects. You will be able to prepare your child with the knowing of his/her school's curriculums and expectations.

Top Tip 3

Partnering with your Child

"My child don't want to do it."

We often expect our child to be able to accomplish (what we think) a simple task. However, often, your child needed step by step guidance. Doing it with your child is important. Plan with your child, partner your child in the chores and decisions to make. If we don't, as they grow, they will make their own decisions and decide on their own.

Even for the preparation of your child's Primary school life, both mummy and daddy must agree and work together. From P1 enrolment to purchasing school uniforms and textbooks and even stationery, involve your child. This will get everyone excited and creates bonding between parents and child. Help them make good decisions. Guide them in their planning.

Mummy and daddy might find this more exciting than their child. You get to experience school life all over again! (ok, maybe not the examination part.)

Top Tip 4

Take a short Holiday

Instead of planning for a long year-end holiday, take a short and relaxing trip with your child. Preparing for your child's primary one can be stressful and overwhelming. You do not want to add on more of them by planning long overhaul trips; rushing and getting frustrated over not being able to achieve what had been planned.

Get your child involve in the planning of this short trip. A family that plans/plays together, stays together. Have some family meetings when planning for the trip. Talk about the places to go and things to do in the trip. This will prepare your child for projects in school. Your child can learn a lot in a meeting. From making an effort to be present, to agreeing in each others' ideas and accepting everyone's differences. This will enhance their learning skills in "show and tell" and creative writing.

Top Tip 5

Building Independence

Complaining about your child being too dependant?

Many parents voiced their concerns over their child being too dependant on parents and helper. But we were the ones responsible for such bad habits. Everyone needs to start from somewhere. Do not expect your child to know 'how to'. Do it with them. Guide them along the way. Ask your child if he/she needed help? Be patient, even if you have to do it with them ten times. Celebrate with them for achieving the tasks. Go for an ice cream.

Simple tasks like preparing the uniform and school shoes and school bag may seem like an easy task to us but not so for a child. Many things can be learnt through just packing. Sorting, grouping and tidying... these are tasks your child will find a big achievement having to accomplish them. Do so with them and let them do it on his/her own gradually. You may want to set a time line, like by the end of term 1, so your child learns deadlines [smile]. This may be your child's first step to growing up!

Top Tip 6

Be Consistent

Consistency is crucial - weekly enrichment programmes, monthly family outings, yearly family trip has to be kept consistent. Let your daily routine be consistent. Re-enforcement has to be consistent. In being consistent, your child will learn to be prepared for their work. Their characters will be moulded in consistency too. Be deliberate in praising your child on the good he/she does. Influence your child with good virtues. Being consistent will help your child avoid any last minute work.

Top Tip 7

Cultivate Good Time Management

Set time-tables for your child. Go through with your child the daily routine and time-table after school. Cultivate in him/her the importance of punctuality. This will help them transit into their adult life. Keep re-enforcing good habits.

Be on time for the activities and classes you have enrolled for your child. Many of the virtues are a reflection of the parents and an influence in your child.

Top Tip 8

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Ever wonder why your child doesn't talk much or express him/herself?

In all relationships, communication is vital. It creates good understanding and helps in building EQ in your child. Help your child communicate his/her needs verbally. Do not dismiss any ideas or concerns raised by your child. Non-verbal communication is just as important. You may be surprised how precocious your child is through his/her non verbal cues.

Parents have to set an example in having good communication skills. Always communicate verbally with your child the objectives and intentions of your actions and expectations. Your child will in turn know how to express themselves their needs and intentions verbally at home and in schools. Respect your child and acknowledge his/her in the conversations. Communication should be just as easy as making daily conversations.

Top Tip 9

Set Short-Term Goals

Does it frustrate you seeing your child restless and adamant?

The reason why your child behaves restless and cares less of his/her surrounding comes from the lack of motivation and purpose. Help your child set goals. Setting short-term goals help your child achieve in their tasks and find life easy to manage and problems solvable.

Suicidal thoughts in young children are on the rise. Talk to your child about his/her dreams and emphasise the meanings and purposes in life. Have a family project at the end of the year, like visiting homes or clean up beaches and parks to create awareness in the world they live in. You and your child will rediscover the world you live in.

Top Tip 10


This is the most important tip of all... Should all of the above tips fail, keep calm!

Mistakes and failures are inevitable in life. Everyone makes mistakes. We embrace each other through failures as much as our success. Laugh at each other's silliness and celebrate the small successes. In this way, your child will learn to be thankful and have a healthy perspective in life.

- This write up is by our founder Lydia Phoea who worked with young children, teens and parents for more than a decade. She has a passion for teaching and has impacted many lives through her teaching endeavour.

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